Study Options
All undergraduate degree courses are offered for full-time study for 3 years as standard or 4 years as an extended study option. Across all of our courses and the modules within them, we aim to provide relevant and comprehensive education. In addition to providing students with a thorough grounding in theory, there is a great deal of emphasis on the practical side of teaching.
Alternative Study Mode
If the standard daytime study mode doesn’t suit your needs we also offer an evening and weekend study mode. This comprises of two evening sessions and a full day session at the weekend, the degrees offered on this alternative study mode are full-time and have the same number of classroom hours as the standard daytime delivery.
For students who do not meet standard entry requirements for admission to one of the undergraduate degree courses, we offer the option of an extended four-year degree course. Modules help to develop skills in writing assignments, mathematics, computing, public speaking and presenting whilst developing an understanding of the modern business world. Prospective students should expect to undertake significant amounts of reading and independent study outside of the classroom (approximately 12 hours per week during term time)
The extended degree course has been specifically designed to ensure that candidates gain the skills needed to succeed at degree level.
When you choose to study a postgraduate course you’ll be taught by inspiring tutors and lecturers, many of whom are active researchers and industry contributors. The MBA and MSC degrees can be undertaken full-time and part-time. The programme can be completed in just 12 months by attending full-time which is two evenings a week over three trimesters together with thirty-four Saturdays. The part-time version will take 24 months spread over six trimesters.
If you are from the UK/EU you can apply for a Student Loan. You won’t start paying back until you earn over £25,000, if your income falls below £25,000 your repayments automatically stop. When you start to repay your loan it’s at a rate of 9% of what you earn over £25,000. It must be your first Undergraduate degree. If you already have a degree you will not be eligible.
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We are located in London which itself is the unique headquarters of a country which has been exporting education for two and half centuries. We remain at the forefront of student recruitment and consultancy services our faculty in all discipline use research and innovation to direct pupils to cater to their specific needs of higher education.